WhatsApp: the legal value of chat messages in the civil trial.

The WhatsApp messages are electronic documents in our system applies the cd. principle of typicality of evidence, according to which they may have access in the civil process only expressly provided evidence and regulated by law. As far as we ...


The specific written approval pursuant to Article 1341, comma 2°, cod. civ. for unfair contract terms unilaterally prepared by a farmer makes use of the virtual platform for the sale of its products it is certainly also applicable ...

Opposition to the precept, or appeal against enforcement ?

The peculiarity of the judgment 17 October 2019, n. 26285 the third of the Supreme Court civil section resides in the fact that, declared the appeal inadmissible, the judges set out to examine the procedural issues involved in the dispute ....

Prescription of professional credit: when the stems ?

THE BACKGROUND Two lawyers were acting on an admonitory against a customer, in order to recover its professional credit in relation to the activities, amounting to about 27 EUR thousand. The debtor appealed against the injunction,...